Monday, December 25, 2006

How does one start a blog?

Always a mystery to me, and probably why my previous attempts at starting a blog have ground to a halt after just one post.

Anyway, the intention is to use this little corner of the webverse to preview the 2007 Australian federal election... and cover myself in glory when everything goes just the way I think it will. Hopefully, that means no more John Howard, MP. I don't just want him to lose the election - I want him to lose his seat as well. That would be poetic justice... the perfect way to end his decade-and-a-bit of misrule.

As you might have already noticed, I can't promise to be non-partisan. I'll try, but the fact is I don't like the Liberal Party and going by their policies over the past two terms, the feeling is mutual. That's a good thing - if the Liberal Party saw anything in me that it liked, my self-esteem would plummet.

Hopefully you stick around. If I ever get to making my second post, I'll try and make it interesting.

1 comment:

David said...

Whilst we're getting ahead of ourselves, the Liberals losing office but retaining Bennelong would pose an interesting dilemma.

The convention these days is for deposed Prime Ministers to retire their seat immediately. Fraser, Hawke and Keating did exactly this. But if Howard were to do the same his seat would probably be lost to Labor in a by-election. We saw this with Jeff Kennett in 1999. Two elections later and the Liberals still haven't regained Burwood.

Because whilst by-elections in general tend to be anti-government in nature, there is a clear exception for freshly installed governments. (c.f. Lindsay 1996) Call it the honeymoon period.

Might Howard be persuaded to sit on the backbench for a full term?